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Mixtapes is a non-complete project that is currently in development. The following is a description of the project and its future goals. Screenshots may be of previous versions of the project, and the project may have changed since the time of writing.

The homepage of the MVP 1.0v website

MixtapesBut.Digital is not just a playlist platform; it's a love letter to the mixtape culture, reimagined for the digital age. Built on the robust foundation of Spotify's playlist ecosystem, this standalone website offers a unique twist on music sharing. With a cap of just five songs—a nod to the film that inspired it—users can do more than just curate a list. They can draw, add images, and comment, turning each playlist into an intimate and artistic expression of their musical taste.

Users have custom covers for each mixtape.


Inspired by the movie "High Fidelity," where the protagonist navigates through love and life with his "Top 5 Records," MixtapesBut.Digital seeks to revive the essence of curated musical experience. The film's influence isn't merely nostalgic; it serves as a critique of contemporary playlist design.

Users have custom covers for each mixtape.

Today's Spotify playlists, with their almost limitless capacity, often become unwieldy collections of songs, diluting the emotional and thematic focus that a tightly curated playlist can offer. By intentionally limiting the playlist to five songs, MixtapesBut.Digital compels users to be more mindful and deliberate in their selections. This constraint is not a limitation but an invitation to return to the essence of what a mixtape represents: a carefully chosen set of songs that tell a story or convey a mood.

Technical Achievements

The foundation of MixtapesBut.Digital rests on a robust technical stack that fuses cutting-edge technology with cost-efficiency.

Built using SvelteKit, the platform not only ensures a seamless user experience but also streamlines the development process. The use of edge-ready databases and caching mechanisms further maximizes performance while minimizing operational costs. It's a design that is as thoughtful about its resource allocation as it is about its user experience, making it both economical to run and maintain.


The design philosophy behind MixtapesBut.Digital transcends the limitations of a conventional playlist. The interface is meticulously crafted to offer a dual experience: functional on mobile and fully creative on PC. Users are not just curating a playlist; they're creating a multimedia narrative around their song choices.

The MixtapesBut.Digital design has been iterated and refined through a series of user tests and feedback sessions. The result is a platform that is both intuitive and engaging, allowing users to express themselves fully, regardless of the device they use.

The original mockup had a canvas structure to the songs.

They can add drawings, images, and comments, transforming each playlist into a personalized artwork. It’s a paradigm shift in how we think about music sharing, moving from a utilitarian list to an interactive canvas.

The canvas is the highlight of the creative experience. As is every other component, ulimited potential in limited components

Challenges & Solutions

Creating MixtapesBut.Digital was not without its hurdles. One of the most significant challenges was understanding the intricate relationship between songs and playlists in a digital environment. The goal was to offer a creative experience without compromising the core functionality of a playlist.

By offering the option to turn an existing playlist into a mixtape, the experience is familiar enough to be intuitive, yet novel enough to be engaging. The result is a platform that is both functional and creative, allowing users to express themselves fully, regardless of the device they use.

Users can select a Spotify playlist to convert The selection menu for the original set of tracks is simple and limited

Another layer of complexity arose from designing for both mobile and PC platforms, each with its unique constraints and opportunities. Solutions emerged through a mix of user feedback, iterative design, and a deep dive into user behavior such as component based architecture and limited user inferface icons. The result is a platform that harmonizes creativity and functionality, allowing users to express themselves fully, regardless of the device they use.

The experience is prioritized to fix on mobile

Lastly, unique playlists needed a strong degree of user expression but also elements that are out of control that contribute to the overall experience. Elements like the covers are unique and one-of-a-kind, but the songs are not.

Users have custom covers for each mixtape.

User Feedback

Although MixtapesBut.Digital is still in its developmental phase, the initial reception from the public has been overwhelmingly positive. While user metrics are yet to be formalized, anecdotal evidence suggests that the platform resonates with its audience.

The community's enthusiasm serves as both validation and motivation, affirming the project's direction and fueling its evolution. It's a testament to the power of thoughtful design and its ability to connect people in meaningful ways.

Target Audience

While MixtapesBut.Digital naturally appeals to Spotify power users, its charm extends to the general public as well. The platform's design simplicity combined with its emotional depth makes it accessible and engaging for a broad spectrum of users. It's more than just a playlist generator; it's a social artifact. Its viral potential lies in its ability to connect people through shared musical experiences, turning each playlist into a conversational starter, a gift, or even a declaration of sentiment.

The experience is prioritized to fix on mobile

Future Prospects

MixtapesBut.Digital is not just a standalone project; it's a concept ripe for integration into Spotify's existing ecosystem. Much like how Spotify's Yearly Recap started as a standalone feature and then became an integral part of the user experience, MixtapesBut.Digital has the potential to follow a similar trajectory.

Looking ahead, the project aims to continue evolving, both as an independent platform and as a feature that could enrich Spotify's offering.

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